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If someone attempts to harm or damage your reputation by making untrue statements, they could be liable for slander. False statements can significantly impact your daily life as they can negatively impact your career and cause financial loss.
If you’re facing a slander case, contact one of our solicitors on 0203 007 5500 to ensure you get the outcome you deserve. Alternatively, for more information visit our defamation page.
Looking for a solicitor in a slander case?
Defamation cases are among the most difficult-to-prove case types and can come at a high cost, often involving barristers’ expertise. The ultimate defence to making comments about a person or company is that they are true, and proving otherwise can be difficult.
Due to this, our defamation defence services start from £1,000 plus VAT and are most suited to companies, high-profile individuals, or those who can prove a demonstrable loss in income from slander.
Slander meaning.
In short, slander is a form of defamation that covers damaging a person’s reputation by making an untrue statement about them.
A slanderous statement comes in various forms, such as spreading false rumours about someone in the workplace.
In a circumstance where the slanderer was unsure whether the statement was true, the victim can still claim slander on the grounds of ‘reckless disregard’. Reckless disregard is when someone does something without considering the impact it might have on others.
Slander vs libel.
Both libel and slander are types of defamation. However, there’s one key difference between the two, which are:
Libel is a permanent form of defamation. For example, a written statement or publication on a website about someone being pro-abortion.
Slander is a temporary form of defamation. For example, a spoken statement in an interview about someone being a drug abuser.
Examples of slander.
For a statement to be slander, the slanderer must have knowingly told an untrue story as if it was true.
Some examples of slander include:
- A company owner stating that a rival company owner is sending death threats, with the aim to harm the competitors’ business.
- Someone falsely accusing a doctor of possessing fake qualifications resulting in them losing their job.
- An athlete making a false statement in an interview of another athlete taking performance-enhancing drugs. As a result of this allegation, the athlete has lost their sponsors and been pulled out of races while under investigation.
Is slander illegal?
In England and Wales, slander is not a criminal offence. However, slander is a civil wrong. Therefore, a slanderer will be held liable for their actions, and the victim will have the right to take legal action against them and gain compensation for any losses.
What can I do if someone is slandering me?
If you feel you’re a victim of slander, you must take action fast because you’re on a time limit to bring the claim. You have one year from the date of the slander to make a claim. However, before making a claim, you must ensure your case meets the following criteria:
- The slander is presented as fact. This point means the statement must have been made as fact, not as an opinion. For example, the slanderer makes a statement saying ” they are racist” rather than saying, “I think they are a racist”.
- The untrue statement is made through a third party. An example is a slanderer making a false statement about someone in an interview on live television.
- The statement has caused ‘actual damage’ to the victim. For example, it has resulted in the victim losing their job. However, there are exceptions to this.
To take your case forward, please contact our solicitors on 0203 007 5500.
Can I claim remedies for slander?
In most successful defamation claims, the following remedies are available for the victim:
- Damages. In slander cases, damages come in the form of compensatory and exemplary. Compensatory damage is money offered to the victim to compensate for any loss. In comparison, exemplary damages are a punishment to deter the defendant and anyone else from conducting similar behaviour.
- Injunctions. Injunctions prevent the defendant from publishing any further defamatory material and can be put in place before, during or after the trial.
- The slanderer posting a summary of the court’s judgement. In a successful defamation case, the court has the power to order the defendant to publish an overview of the final judgment. This form of remedy sheds light on any slanderous statements.
- Offer of amends. This remedy is relevant to defendants who made a genuine mistake and don’t want to defend the claim. The offer of amends must be in writing, include a published statement correcting the slander and a sufficient apology to the victim. The defendant may also pay compensation to the victim and cover relevant legal costs.
- Order to remove or cease distribution of statement. This form of remedy is most common concerning libel. The court can order for a defamatory statement to be taken down or removed. For example, if a website publishes a defamatory statement, the website operator must remove the statement and stop any further distribution of material containing the statement.
To ensure you know all the available options, including your rights and the potential limitations when claiming defamation, it’s advisable to seek professional legal advice.
What are the defences for slander?
There are several defences to a slander case, including:
- The statement was true. If it turns out that the information is accurate, this is the best defence for a defamation case.
- The statement was an opinion. If the context of the slander is shown as an opinion, for example, saying ‘I believe this is true’, then it’s not considered defamation as it’s your opinion.
- No harm to the victim. Another defence is proving that the victim of the statement didn’t suffer any harm.
- The victim agreed to the statement. The final defence is proving that the victim consented to the slanderer making the statement.
If you’re looking to defend a slander claim, ensure you instruct an experienced solicitor to create the best possible defence for your case.
Regardless of whether you’re the claimant or the defendant in a slander case, our solicitors can help. Slander is a complex area of law, and without professional support, you can make avoidable but costly mistakes.
Why contact Britton and Time Solicitors?
Our solicitors will always require an initial consultation to discuss your slander case in more detail. In this initial consultation, we guarantee the following:
- Unlimited time to discuss the details of your case and ask any questions.
- An overview of your legal standpoint and best options.
- Upfront time and fee estimate for your case.
To arrange your initial consultation, contact one of our solicitors on 0203 007 5500.
Are you no win no fee solicitors
Is this a no win no fee situation , as I am about to be accused of slander or is it best to take out an injunction ?
Manager liedd and i was accused of trying to sell my puppy at a dooratep
My neighbour is telling neighbours of my past – which is impacting my mental health- no neighbours talk to me – this was all confidential at that time many years ago – that she knew about- therefore I hold my head in shame the gossip about myself to all the neighbours- new neighbours moved in and friendly- now they won’t even look at me –
I can totally understand…and
have much empathy for you
I would like some legal advice on slander and would like am email of the costs.
I would like some legal advice on slander, and would like an email of the costs please.
Hello Sheila. Thank you for your comment on our blog post. If you would like to enquire about costs, please call our Client Care team on 0203 007 5500, or you can email us at [email protected]
My son is 18 and his ex girlfriend has slandered him, saying he assaulted her, to friends and has managed to spread this to new friends he has. This is effecting him mentally and effecting his education. Can you email me any information that may help, including fees
Here’s my free & UNAUTHORIZED Advice*( opinion)… get your son far away from that evil jealous lying witch .. its my hope that you & your son will get through this And REMEMBER 1 thing about this horrible situation. YOUR SON IS BEING PREYED UPON BY WICKED FELINES WHO ARE SIMPLY EVIL
Bit aggressive. I get the point but not all females are like that just a select few.
I am on council in a small town. Several of the other council members dislike e very much because I ask questions and expect a civil answer. Recently a council member said in an email to other council that i am ” mentally do not have capability to serve on council and for the betterment of our town I should resign. I am serving me 2 nd elected position of a 4 year term. This council person was appointed only 3 months ago as his buddies on council voted him in. A true living nightmare for me but I will not quit. …I love helping me town out! I am also on a budget committee with this person & during the whole mtg he kept using the ” f” word & I respectfully asked him to stop. He simply continued to talk like that. Our town attorney doesn’t seem interested at all in keeping the peace…oh and the president is buddies with this person so I don’t stand a chance. Did he slander me by saying I am not mentally capable to all council?
Email information on fee
Can someone please advise. My mother in law has claimed her granddaughter has accused me of looking at her inapropiatly she is under 18 of course this false im cr checked and work with children
I and all 50 other residents have been sent a photo by management of my block of flats residence showing a male (me) picking up a box of tools. They then say this male is a theif and assume ive stolen the tools, however unbeknown to them i only picked up the tools and relocated them in the secured cctv room. Do i have grounds to persue a claim of slander?. plz advise
Just recently my beloved parents past away , I do not know if a will was made or if anything was left to me. All i know is my sister has control of the family home and wont tell me anything in reguards to the inheritance. Please could you advise me on how i can find out this information. ty
My daughters x who she is taking to court over domestic violence he is putting blame on her and saying I told him she had a brain injury and that’s why she is the way she is ,what I said no such thing as I love my daughter very much and have always been concerned about the way he treated her is this slander I would never say which a thing he is telling courts I did what can I do about his lies.
Hi, a man who I kissed years before I met my husband,told my husband in the pub that me and him had sex. Which isn’t true. My husband now wants a divorce! Why would someone lie like that and cause so much damage. I am so upset over this.
Oh gosh.. I thought I had problems, this is so awful! I’m hoping this has got resolved and you and your husband are ok, sending you positivity
I just have a random neighbour telling people I slapped the lady across the road when she had spat on me so I had no time to react as I was pulled away before I could react. People are jealous hun, your ex is jealous you have moved on and happy in your marriage and couldn’t take it.. be good to hear from you that you’ve got this resolved.
Someone faked Instagram DMs between me {allegedly} and another person {an acquaintance} and used that as evidence to tarnish my reputation. I have never seen these messages or written them. I am now dealing with abuse from my family. I suspect the acquaintance faked these conversations but no body is interested in proving this.
What can i do if someone triggered me to say a below the belt words?
Hello Manila,
Thank you for your question. It’s hard to provide any guidance without more details on what exactly happened and if there is a legal case against you.
If you would like to discuss this further, please call us on 020 3007 5500 or email [email protected] to book a consultation.
I help a lonely old man who lives alone with things he can not do for himself. I cut his grass for free, I fixed his broken sink, I fixed his car etc….. in exchange he allows me to store some of tools for work on his property. Now the neighbors across the alley have gotten in the old man’s head that I’m trying to steal his house from him when I was only trying to help him because I could see he needed it. I work as a landscaper and have accounts all around the property. Now the old man went to the cops and told them I’m trespassing and all my accounts have stopped me from coming to work as I have for at least three years now. The neighbors now cross the street and won’t even wave. I’ve lost accounts, and can’t even get my tools from the property all because mosey neighbors assume wrong and made him afraid of me. Even if I could I would never take anything from the old man. It’s not who I am and this really has broken my heart. I just can’t believe how everyone has totally changed on me. None of what they are saying is true and now I don’t know what to do. It’s a small town and it’s getting worse.
Hello, thank you for your comment and sorry to hear about your circumstances. A member of our team will reach out to you via email to discuss your case and how we might be able to help.
My ex-business partner and his wife who are family related and friends borrowed over £150,000 from me to buy a farm over 10 years ago. If there was any dishonesty and intent to defraud me, is this theft and can I then legally call them thieves, publicly, without fear of acting illegally. Indeed any defamation would force them to go to court to stop me and thereby they would have to prove they weren’t dishonest. Is this a good strategy? Yes of course I’m taking them to civil court of the money claim, but i may well lose on a legal technicality, hence this idea.
Hello, thank you for your comment. It would be best to discuss the full details of your matter with a solicitor so they can provide the best advice. You can book a consultation by calling 0203 007 5500 or emailing [email protected]