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What You Need To Know About Ending A Civil Partnership

Last updated May 23 2022 | Family Law

by Theresa Wright

by Theresa Wright


In this article

What is the difference between marriage and civil partnerships?

Civil partnership and marriage are much the same in their legal recognition and practice, but with some differences:

  • Marriage legally requires marriage vows, whereas all you need for a civil partnership is the legal document
  • Not all countries recognise civil partnerships – seek advice if you and/or your civil partner have concerns about travelling to a foreign country
  • Divorce ends a marriage. Dissolution ends a civil partnership



What is dissolution?

Dissolving is essentially the formal ending of a civil partnership. It is more or less the same process as divorce. As with a marriage, you must have been in your civil partnership for at least 1 year to apply for a dissolution.

Once a decision has been made to end your civil partnership, you will make an application to the court. By working with a specialist family law solicitors, you (the applicant) can ensure that your application has been made correctly.

No fault dissolution

Previously you had to state your grounds for a dissolution from 5 categories, but now you can apply without needing to give grounds or reasons for your decision. This has essentially removed the ‘blame game’ and made applying for dissolution much more straightforward. For more information, please head to our page on ‘no fault divorce’.

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